Learn to garden and grow your own healthy produce at home with a Love & Carrots Garden.
Your garden is just a call or an email away. After you get in touch with us, we start the process:
Every new garden starts with an initial site visit and consultation. Our garden expert meets with you at your home to discuss your goals, past gardening experience, and vision for your future garden. We collect all the information we need to create the proposal and estimate for your garden.
If requested, we can create a drawn-to-scale graphic to help you visualize your proposal. All of our gardens incorporate herbs, companion plants, nutrient cycling, and best practice for optimizing harvest. We are happy to collaborate with your Landscape Architect.
After you agree to our garden estimate, our team of experienced garden builders will make your design a reality. All our installations come with our custom soil mix and, if desired, a planting of vegetable transplants and seeds from our greenhouse.
Gardens take care and expertise to be successful. Let us take the intimidation out of gardening with our Garden Care and Coaching Services. Learn more below.
Garden Maintenance
We make sure your garden is as healthy and productive as can be. Enjoy your usual gardening routine without the frustration of falling behind, or just sit back and enjoy the harvest!
Our Urban Farmers come every other week while you're at work and provide all your garden needs: seed, thin, prune, trellis, planting plan, fertilize, pest management... we'll even harvest for you and put it in your fridge.
Every 2 weeks, March to November.
Garden Coaching
Garden Care, plus one-on-one garden lessons throughout the season with an assigned Urban Farmer.
Our Urban Farmers come at a reserved, regular time to teach you and your family as we go. Utilizing our very own garden curriculum, we come equipped with prepared seasonally appropriate lessons - but also ready to tack any garden-specific issues that may arise.
Every 2 weeks, March to November, set day and time.